Web-Based Assessment Assignment


Science Based Web Assignment

This is a K through 2nd grade assignment where students will be able to identify the parts of a plant and the basic needs of a plant to introduce this lesson students will be able to have access to generation genius where they will be able to watch a video that will give in-depth details about the parts of a plant and what makes a plant grow and function. For a differentiated assignment this could be a rotation center for auditory and visual learners. For this lesson, an activity that can be implemented in this lesson is to help assess a student’s understanding of the parts of a plant with generationgenius.com website. The students will be able to identify the different parts of a plant the water cycle. With this activity students not only get the lesson or preview lesson of the water cycle and how it is helpful to humans and the earth, but there is also an assessment and an exit ticket that can be implemented. This is helpful for the teacher and students to show the students understanding of the information they just learned. The test that generation genius dot com use for this lesson can be used for a formal or an informal assessment in the classroom. Using the assessment that the website provides this can help gauge a teacher’s understanding of what the students understood from the lesson that was provided and help prepare for the next day lesson to help with introducing new or more information.

Lesson Plan: Parts of a Plant K-2

Key concepts: To name parts of the plants

Assignment time 15 to 20 minutes

Vocabulary: stem, roots, flower, leaf.

Learning objective is for students to be able to identify and describe the basic parts of a plant. In this lesson students will be introduced to a plant. There would be an open discussion about visual observation that is noticeable to the class about the plant. The lesson will continue to talk about how plants provide oxygen and the basic function of the different parts of a plant.




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